
John Forster

Rank:Stoker 1Number:K/43137
Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:Royal Navy
Name of Rgt or Ship:H.M.S. Racoon
How Died:Died at Sea
Country of burial:Lost at Sea
Cemetery or Memorial:Chatham Naval Memorial
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born on the 2nd January 1898, the birth being registered during the March
quarter 1898 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref: 8a/178, the son of John & Ann

1901 Census - No Trace - Scotland ???

1911 Census - No Trace - Scotland ???

H.M.S. "Racoon" was a  Beagle class destroyer built in 1910.     On the
09/01/18 she ran aground in bad weather off the North coast of Ireland and
was broken up by the storm.     There were only 9 survivors and 91 crew
were lost.   Drowned in wreck of vessel off the Irish coast.

CWGC - Son of John & Mary Ann Forster of Rimmon, Shotts, Lanarkshire.  
Native of Brooklands, Cheshire.

TNA ref: ADM 188/953 - 137/137.

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