Edward Neafsey

Name of Rgt or Ship:Royal Air Force V.R.
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:Overseas
Cemetery or Memorial:Runnymede Memorial
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born during the September quarter 1913 in the Salford R.D. - ref: 8d/338,
the son of Michael & Elizabeth Ann Neafsey (nee Evans).

In 1911 his parents were residing at 35 Hartington Street, Salford. 
Michael was a 30 year old Dock Labourer born in Co Mayo.

Edward attended De La Salle College between 1925 and 1927.

1939 National Registration - 6 Lyndhurst Street, Salford.   Michael Neafsey
- Married - born: 28th February 1882 - occ: Foreman Stevedore (Ship
Casual).   Elizabeth A. Neafsey - Married - born: 22nd May 1885 - occ:
Unpaid Domestic Duties.   Edward Neafsey - Single - born: 20th August 1913
- occ: General Docks Labourer.

CWGC - Son of Michael &Neafsey B.E.M. and Elizabeth Ann Neafsey of Salford,

In the King's Birthday Honours List, his father was awarded the British
Empire Medal for services as Superintending Foreman, Ship Canal Company.

Commemorated on the De La Salle College War Memorial.

Memorials found on:
Manchester Ship Canal
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