
Wilfred Stuart Stidson Broadbent

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:153rd Coy
Name of Rgt or Ship:Machine Gun Corps (Inf)
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:FranceGrave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Athies Communal Cemetery Ext.
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born as Wilfred Stuart Broadbent on the 12th November 1888, the birth being
registered during the December quarter 1888 in the Ormskirk R.D. - ref:
8b/768, the son of Conway & Elizabeth Broadbent.

1891 Census - 13 Trafalgar Road, Birkdale, Lancashire.   Son - aged: 2 -
born: Southport, Lancashire.   Head of household - Conway Stidson-Broadbent
- Married - aged: 40 - occ: Draper - born; Exeter, Devon.   Also -
Elizabeth Stidson Broadbent - Married - aged: 41 - born: Tavistock, Devon. 
 Plus 5 elder siblings, 2 domestic servants and 7 Assistant Drapers. .   

1901 Census - "The Nook", Storrs Park, Undermillbeck, Kendal, Westmorland. 
  Son - aged: 12 - born: Southport, Lancashire.    Head of household -
Elizabeth Stidson Broadbent - Married - aged: 51 - born: Tavistock, Devon. 
 Plus 4 elder siblings and 2 domestic servants.   No trace of his father.

1911 Census - No Trace.   His parents were residing at "Gesa Hors" ??? 
Dane Bank Road, Lymm, Cheshire.   Head of household - Conway
Stidson-Broadbent - Married - aged: 60 - occ: Private Means - Director of
Hat & Cap Manufacturing Company - born: Exeter, Devon.     Also - Elizabeth
Stidson-Broadbent -Wife - aged: 61 - born: Tavistock, Devon.

On the 11th November 1914, Wilfred enlisted in the Royal Navy.   He was 5
feet 4 1/2 inches in height, with a mean chest measurement of 36 1/2
inches.    Hair - Brown.  Eyes - Brown.  Complexion - Dark.    He served
his training on HMS Pemboke III - No. 1949 from the 11th November 1914
until the 30th March 1915 as a Petty Officer -. Mec (E).   The stationed on
HMS President II from the 1st April 1915 until the 15th January 1916 when
he was granted a Commission in the Army.   He was then posted to the
Dardanelles in an Armoured Car Division.

Westmorland Gazette - edition dated the 5th May 1917.

STIDSTON-BROADBENT, Lieut. W S. Official News has been received of the loss
of Lieut. Wilfrid Stuart Stidston-Broadbent, second in command of the 153rd
 Machine Gun Company, in France, on the 19th of last month.  Wilfrid
Broadbent was the youngest son of Mr. C. Stidston-Broadbent, of Castleton,
formerly of Windermere.  He went out more than two years ago as a Petty
Officer, R.N. (Motor-Maxim Company) to Gallipoli.  He was at the start of
that campaign and went through almost the whole of it. He was sent to Egypt
for a rest and then sent with his Gun Company against the Senussi tribe###.
 Immediately afterwards he was transferred to the Army and given a
commission in the Machine Gun Corps, 11th Division.  He accompanied that
Division to France a few months ago.  Two months ago he was promoted to
First Lieut. And given the second in command of the 153rd M. G. Corps
attached to a Scottish Division.  He was through the recent advance from
the start, and was killed by a shell when moving up to advanced
headquarters with his company.   

### [On 19 November 1915, around 5,000 Senussi Bedouin tribesmen rose up
against the Allies in Italian Libya and western Egypt. They were encouraged
by the Turks, who provided them with arms and military advisors.  The
Sultan of the Ottoman Empire was also the Caliph (or leader) of Islam, so
the Turks were able to influence the Senussi, many of whom were already
staunchly anti-colonial.  The tribesmen sought to capture the coastal towns
of Sollum, Mersa Matruh and Da’aba. Other Senussi occupied oases to the
south, from where they launched raids into British-held territory].

M.I.C. - States that his 1915 Star is to be issued by the Admiralty and
that his medals should be addressed to Mrs. H. Crabtree, "Fairmount",
Queen's Drive, Ilkley, Yorkshire.    Mrs. H. Crabtree was his sister - Ida
C.S. Broadbent who married Hedley Crabteee in 1910.  His parents had both
died during the September quarter 1919.

Probate - Listed as Wilfred Stuart Stidson-Broadbent of Casterton Old Hall,
Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland, a Leutenant in the 153rd Company M.G. Corps,
who died in France on the 19th April 1917.  Administration granted in
London on the 22nd September 1915 to Conway Stidson_Broadbent, Gentleman.  
Estate valued at £117. 8s. 2d.

CWGC - Son of the late Conway Stidson-Broadbent & Elizabeth

Memorials found on:
Lymm Grammar School
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