
Clifford Fogg

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:34th Coy
Name of Rgt or Ship:Machine Gun Corps (Inf)
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:Belgium
Cemetery or Memorial:Tyne Cot Cemetery Memorial, Zonnebeke
Town Memorial:Altrincham
Extra Information:
Born during the December quarter 1895 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref: 8a/168,
the only son of Francis & Louisa Fogg (nee Cooper).

1901 Census - 68 Navigation Road, Broadheath.    Son - aged: 5 - born:
Altrincham.  Head of household - Francis Fogg - Married - aged: 34 - occ:
Machine Fitter - born: Worsley, Lanvcashire.  Also - Louisa Fogg - Wife -
aged: 31 - born: Altrincham.

1911 Census - 95 Manchester Road, Altrincham.  Son - aged: 15 - occ:
Drapery Warehouseman - born: Altrincham.    Although she signed as head of
household, his mother states that she is Married - aged: 41 - occ: Drapery
Shopkeeper (own account) - born: Altrincham.   His father is not listed.  
The number of years married record is crossed out.

He was a chorister at St. Margaret's Church for eight years and member of
the late Mr. Oldham's Bible Class, St. Alban's Church, Broadheath.

Educated at Miss Parker's School, Altrincham and Seamons Moss School.  
Employed at Tootal, Broadhurst, Lee & Co.

MIC - states that he was an Acting Sergeant in the Manchester Rgt -
No.2641.  Also that he served with the MGC and was awarded the BWM & the
VM. indicating that he did not go France (Belgium) until 1916.

The local newspaper dated 27/10/1916 reports that he is in Passmore Edwards
Hospital, London suffering from a shrapnel wound in his right leg, which he
received on his 21st birthday.   The 1918 editions stated that he had been
wounded twice.

His father was the organist at All Saints' Church, Regent Rd, Altrincham -
formerly of St. Alban's Church.

See also the 24/05/1918 edition of the local newspaper.    Enlisted on the
9th September 1914 into the Manchester Rgt - No. 2641.

Memorials found on:
St. Alban's (Broadheath)St. Alban's - Vicar's List
St. Margaret's (Dunham Massey)
Seamon's Moss Endowed School (Oldfield Brow)Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
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