
Peter Morley

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:02nd Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:Welsh Rgt
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:France
Cemetery or Memorial:Thiepval Memorial
Town Memorial:Altrincham
Extra Information:
Born at Altrincham on the 6th November 1890, the birth being registered
during the December quarter 1890 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref: 8a/168, the
youngest son of Thomas & Kate Morley (nee Hanaghan).  Baptised at the
Church of St. Vincent de Paul on the 7th December 1890.

Thomas & Kate were residents of 53 Chapel Street as far back as 1871.

1891 Census - 41 Chapel Street, Altrincham.    Son - aged: 5 months - born:
Altrincham.   Head of household - Thomas Morley - Married - aged: 47 - occ:
Labourer - born: Ireland.   Also - Kate Morley - Wife - aged: 42 - born:
Ireland.  Plus 10 elder siblings, all of whom were born at Altrincham.

1901 Census - 41 Chapel Street, Altrincham - Son - aged: 10 - born:
Altrincham.   Head of household - Thomas Morley - Married - aged: 58 -
Bricklayer's Labourer - born: Co, Mayo, Ireland.    Mother - Kate Morley -
Wife - aged: 54 - born: West Meath, Ireland.  Plus 6 elder siblings, all of
whom were born at Altrincham.

Attended St. Vincent's School and served as an alter boy.

His father - Thomas Morley died in 1908 - aged: 63.   Peter was employed at
Linotype Ltd., Broadheath.

1911 Census - 41 Chapel Street, Altrincham.    Son - aged: 20 - occ: Clerk
at Engineering Works - born: Altrincham.   Head of household - Catherine
Morley - Widow - aged: 66 - born: Moatt, Ireland.   Plus 1 - 25 year old,
Irish Boarder.

Married - Ada Darlington during the September quarter 1915 in the Bucklow
R.D. - ref: 8a/543.    In 1911, Ada was in domestic service at 'Highbury'
West Road, Bowdon.  Then aged: 20 - occ: Housemaid/Waitress - born:
Northwich, Cheshire.

The Chapel Street Memorial and the Linotype Memorial, both state that he
served in the Cheshire Regiment.  However, there are no Cheshire Regiment
Peter Morley's commemorated by the CWGC and none listed on SDGW.   This is
the only Peter Morley on either source.

His MIC (Medal Index Card) confirms that he started off as Private 2758,
Cheshire Regiment, [5th Battalion],  but later transferred to the Welsh
Regiment [2nd Battalion].

His mother, his brother - Owen & his sister-in-law - Annie, all of Chapel
Street, Altrincham,  paid for an entry in the RoH in the local newspaper,
which reports that his widow and child were living at 2 Percy St,
Northwich.   Ada was born at Northwich, so her family was probably still

The 2nd Bn Welsh Rgt was part of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division.  They
joined the Battle of the Somme on 15/07 on the south side of
Bazentin-le-Petit Wood.  They attacked on a communication trench later to
be called Welsh Alley Trench on 16/07.

By September they had sustained over 400 casualties.  Moved to Lozenge Wood
on 02/09, then the north-east corner of Mametz Wood on 05/09. Together with
the 1st Bn Gloucester Rgt they attacked High Wood on 08/09, sustaining
another 208 casualties in the process.    To Mametz Wood on 09/09, then
Hénencourt Wood on 11/09.  To Franvillers on 12/09, then back to
Hénencourt Wood on 16/09.   To Black Wood on 18/09, then into the front
line trenches to the north and north-west of Flers.  (Flers is where the
first use of tanks had been made by the British on 15/09).   To Bécourt
Wood on 26/09.

Death reported in the 20/10/1916 edition of the Altrincham Guardian.  
Listed in the Guardian Year Book - Roll of Honour for 1917.    His mother -
Catherine Morley died in 1922, aged: 73.

See also "The Bravest Little Street in England" by Karen Cliff, Trafford
Local Studies Library.

Memorials found on:
Chapel Street (Altrincham)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
Linotype Factory (Broadheath)
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