
Harry (Henry) Davenport

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:05th Bn [1]
Name of Rgt or Ship:Cheshire Rgt
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:France
Cemetery or Memorial:Thiepval Memorial
Town Memorial:Altrincham
Extra Information:
BBorn during the March quarter 1892 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref: 8a/160,
the son of William & Kate Harriet Davenport.   Birth registered as Harry

The family resided at 15 Oakfield Road in 1891, so it is probable that
Harry was born there.  Kate was born at Nottingham on that return.

1901 Census - 15 Oakfield Road, Altrincham.    Son - listed as Harry -
aged: 8 - born: Altrincham.    Head of household - William Davenport -
Married - aged: 40 - occ: Coachman (Domestic) - born: Altrincham.   Also -
Harriet - Wife - aged: 36 - occ: Charwoman (Domestic) - born: Altrincham.

1911 Census - 15 Oakfield Road, Altrincham.   [Family all listed as
DAVONPORT]     Son - listed as Harry Davonport - aged: 17 - occ:
Brickmaker, born: Altrincham.     Head of household - Kate Harriet
Davonport - Wife - aged: 45 - born: Nottingham.   Plus - 2 siblings.    His
father - William Davonport - Married - aged: 52 - occ: Ostler - was a
patient in the Bucklow Workhouse, Knutsford.  He died in 1912, aged: 54.

Employed at the Linotype Works, Broadheath.

Enlisted in August 1914.  SDGW lists his number as 240789.     First
entered France in August 1915.

His death was reported in the 23/03/1917 edition of the Altrincham

His brothers Charles William & Herbert Davenport also died on Active
Service.   His other brother John, a Captain in the Lancashire Fusiliers
also served, but survived the war.   All three are commemorated on
William's CWGC headstone at Altrincham Cemetery.   Altrincham M.I. -
"Beyond recall, forever in our thoughts".

One of the Harry's is spelt Devenport on the Roll of Honour.     Spelt
Devonport on the Linotype Memorial. 

Listed in the Guardian Year Book - Roll of Honour for 1918.

Memorials found on:
St. George's (Altrincham)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
Linotype Factory (Broadheath)
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