
Francis Allaby (Frank) Tunstall

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:27th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Rgt)
Country of burial:France
Cemetery or Memorial:Vimy Memorial
Town Memorial:Knutsford (High Legh)
Extra Information:
Born at High Legh during the March quarter 1882 in the Altrincham R.D. -
ref: 8a/198, the son of Henry & Mary Tunstall.

1891 Census - High Legh.   Son - aged: 9 - Scholar - born: High Legh.   
Head of household - Henry Tunstall - Married - aged: 45 - occ: Post Master
- born: High Legh.   Also - Mary Tunstall - Wife - aged: 33 - born: High
Legh.   Plus 4 siblings.

1901 Census - Post Office, High Legh.     Son - Unmarried - aged: 19 - occ:
Farmer Pupil - born: High Legh.    Head of household - Henry Tunstall -
Married - aged: 55 - occ: Sub Post Master & Farmer - born: High Legh.  
Also - Mary Tunstall - Wife - aged: 42 - born: High Legh.   Plus 4

1911 Census - The Dairy, High Legh.    Boarder - listed as Frank Tunstall -
Unmarried - aged: 29 - occ: Bailiff - born: High Legh.  Boarding with
Rhuanna Porter.  No trace of his parents - emigrated to Canada ???

On the 13th March 1914 Francis sailed from Liverpool aboard the M.V.
Alsation travelling to Halifax, Canada.  Listed as a 32 year old Farmer.

This is the brother of William Henry Tunstall, who also died on active
service.   Both brothers are listed on the Knutsford (High Legh) Memorial,
but only Francis Allaby is listed on St. John's, High Legh Roll of Honour,
his brother William is not ???

Enlisted at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.   He was then residing at
Clearwater, Manitoba, Canada.    His Canadian attestation form, signed on
the 1st April 1916, at Winipeg, Manitoba, states that he was 32 years of
age, 5 feet 8½ inches in height, had a 35/1½ inch chest (fully expanded).
  His complexion was: dark, his eyes: grey and his hair: dark.    The
papers also state that he was a Farmer by trade and that he had not
previously served  in any military force.   Religion - C of E.   He was
unmarried and his father - Henry Tunstall, High Legh, Cheshire, was listed
as his next of kin.

The strategically important Battle for Vimy Ridge took place between the
9th - 14th April 1917 and undoubtedly Francis was involved in that
successful Canadian offensive.     The Third Battle of the Scarpe took
place on the 3rd & 4th May 1917.    It is likely that Francis was killed on
the first day of that engagement.

Memorials found on:
St. Mary's (Rosthern)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
St. John's (High Legh)
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