
John Alfred (Rusty) Wolff

Rank:Lt. Colonel
Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:04th Bde*
Name of Rgt or Ship:Royal Field Artillery
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:FranceGrave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension
Town Memorial:Hale & Hale Barns
Extra Information:
Born during the March quarter 1875 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref: 8a/181,
the youngest son of Charles Henry & Annie Elizabeth Wolff (neƩ Harrop).

1881 Census - The Clough, Barrow Lane, Hale.   Son - aged: 6 - Scholar -
born: Hale.   Head of household - Charles H. Wolff - Married - aged: 44 -
occ: Cotton Yarn Merchant and Farmer of 60 acres - born: Manchester.   Also
- Annie Wolff - Wife - aged: 42 - born: Altrincham.    Plus 7 siblings, a
sister-in-law and a brother-in-law.

His mother - Annie Wolff died in the summer of 1881, aged: 42.

1891 Census - The Clough, Butts Clough, Hale.   Son - aged: 16 - Scholar -
born: Hale.   Head of household - Charles H. Wolff - Widower - aged: 54 -
occ: Continental Shipper & Farmer - born: Manchester.     Plus 7 siblings,
a sister-in-law, a visitor and 4 domestic servants.

He attended Bowdon College.   Employed by Messrs. Lamport & Holt,

1901 Census - Rooms at 208 Upper Parliament Street, Toxteth, Liverpool.   
Head - aged: 26 - occ: Ship Owner's Clerk - born: Hale.  His father was now
listed as a Retired Cotton Merchant still residing with his family at The
Clough which was next to Ross Mill.

His father - Charles Henry Wolff died in the summer of 1902, aged: 65.

1911 Census - 110 Bedford Street, South Liverpool. (12 roomed house). 
Boarder - aged: 36 - occ: Cashier - born: Hale.

At school he was described as a tower of strength in both the School's
Cricket and Football teams.   He was the Captain of the West Derby Hockey
Club and played hockey for the North of England and Lancashire County
teams.     He represented the County at Lawn Tennis on numerous occasions.

On the 16th October 1916, he married Miss Lillian Hollins, the daughter of
the late Edwin Hollins of Liverpool.

He enlisted in August 1914 and was drafted to the front in August 1915.  
He fought at the Battle of the Somme in 1916 and was invalided home in
January 1917.   He was then sent to Ireland, but returned to the front on
the 3rd May 1918.   After commanding a Battery of the RFA, he transferred
to the RHA.   attd 14th Bde Royal Horse Artillery.   Recipient of the
Territorial Long Service Medal.

WO374/76202 - Embarked for overseas service on the 28th September 1915,
disembarked the following day.  Admitted to Field Ambulance In the Field 
on the 20th November 1915 suffering from Lumbago.   Discharged to duty on
the 25th November.   Given 8 days leave to the UK.   From  34 C.C.S. he was
admitted to hospital In the Field on the 28th July 1916, suffering from
Lumbago - rejoined unit on the 3rd August 1916.  Proceeded to the UK on
leave from the 6th October to the 13th October 1916, rejoining his unit on
the 19th October.   Proceeded to Divisional Rest Station "In the Field" on
the 2nd November 1916.  Admitted to the West Lancs Field Ambulance on the
23rd November 1916, suffering from Sciatica.   Readmitted to 14 General
Hospital on the 2nd December 1916.  Transferred from Havre to England on
the H.S. St. Andrew on the 4th December 1916.  Posted to 130 Battery, 2nd
Division on the 13th May 1918.  Posted to 40 Battery on the 14th July 1918.
  Posted to 401 Battery on the 13th September 1918.

West Lancs Howitzer Bn, West Lancs Brigade.  *At the time of his death he
was serving with the 401st Battery, 14th (Army) Brigade R.H.A.

A fellow officer who was with him at the time of his death, wrote - "We had
advanced at dawn and were reconnoitering for fresh Battery positions, when
a shell burst and he was struck down by shrapnel.

Death reported in the 01/11/1918 edition of the Altrincham Guardian.

Probate granted at the Principal Registry Office (London) on the 28th
January 1919.   His address was given as 28 Huskisson Street, Liverpool.

M.I. - "There are no dead".   Listed on St. Peter's Memorial as being in
the West Lancs Brigade.   Commemorated on the family gravestone in Hale
Unitarian Chapel Yard.

Memorials found on:
St. Peter's (Hale)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
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