
Basil Egerton Cook

Name of Rgt or Ship:Royal Engineers
How Died:Died
Country of burial:U.K.Grave Photo:No
Cemetery or Memorial:Devizes Cemetery
Town Memorial:Hale
Extra Information:
Attended Bradbury School, Altrincham.   An accomplished linguist and

Enlisted in November 1915 and drafted to the front in April 1916.   When he
was promoted to 2nd Lt, he was the youngest engineering officer in the
British Army.  The 14/07/1916 edition of the local newspaper states that he
was only 19 years old - it also states that his parents address was
"Oakdene", Claremont Grove, Hale.

Invalided home in November 1916 due to gas poisoning and shellshock.   
Later promoted to Staff appointment and emplyed on Intellegence work at
home and abroad.    He was an expert in Wireless Telegraphy.

Married in June 1918

Died of Pneumonia following Influenza.
Memorials found on:
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
Bradbury Central School
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