
Alfred Ernest Boucher

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:01st Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:Royal Dublin Fusiliers
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:Belgium
Cemetery or Memorial:Tyne Cot Cemetery Memorial, Zonnebeke
Town Memorial:Hale
Extra Information:
Born during the December quarter 1891 in the Altrincham R.D.  - ref:
8a/167, the son of Alfred William &  Leah Maria Boucher (nee Oliver).

His mother - Leah Maria Boucher died in 1898, aged: 34. 

1901 Census - 27 Ashfield Road, Altrincham.   Son - aged: 9 - born:
Altrincham.    Head of household - Alfred W. Boucher - Widower - aged: 35 -
occ: Schoolmaster - born: Exmouth, Devon.    Plus 2 sisters and 1 domestic

Son of Mr. Alfred William Boucher, the Principal of Bradbury School.

1911 Census - 11 Spring Road, Hale, Cheshire.   Son - aged: 19 - occ: Bank
Agent - born: Altrincham.   Head of household - Alfred William Boucher -
Married ???? - aged: 45 - occ: Schoolmaster - born: Exmouth, Devon.   Plus
1 younger sister.

Member of Timperley Hockey Club.

Enlisted in August 1914 and drafted to the front on the 20th July 1917.

Formerly 1779  - A.P. Corps.

Killed on the second day of the Battle of Broodseinde, one of the many
engagements on the way to Passchendaele.  The 1st Royal Dublin Fusiliers,
part of the 29th Division, British 5th Army, advanced towards Poellcappelle
beside the ANZACs.   They attacked towards Goedtervesten Farm and Chinese
House - north-east of Langemarck. They lost 21 men killed, 105 wounded and
25 missing.

Listed as a Sgt on Christ Church Mem.

Local newspaper states that he was 36 year of age.   Both the local
newspaper AND the CWGC are incorrect - according to BMDs and the census
returns, he was actually aged: 26 when he was killed.

Listed in the Guardian Year Book - Roll of Honour for 1918, which states
that he was aged 26 and lived at Queens Road, Hale.   Correct.

Pension Records - Only confirm his details and the name and address of his
father - all as listed above.

Memorials found on:
St. John's (Altrincham)
Christ Church (Timperley)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
Bradbury Central School
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