
Samuel Norbury

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:06th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:King's Shropshire Light Infantry
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:FranceGrave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Sucrerie Cemetery, Ablain-St. Naire
Town Memorial:Mobberley & Knutsford
Extra Information:
Born during the December quarter 1883 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref: 8a/151,
the son of John & Betsy Norbury (nee Bell).

1891 Census - Dairy Farm, Mobberley.   Son - aged: 7 - occ: Apprentice
Watch Maker - born: Mobberley.   Head of household - John Norbury - Married
- aged: 40 - occ: Farmer - born: Mobberley.   Also Betsy Norbury - Wife -
aged: 34 - born: Peover, Cheshire.   Plus 5 siblings, including Robert who
was also killed during WW1, 1 domestic servant and  2 Farm Servants.

1901 Census - Dairy Farm, Mobberley.   Son - aged: 17 - occ: Apprentice
Watch Maker - born: Mobberley.   Head of household - John Norbury - Married
- aged: 50 - occ: Farmer - born: Mobberley.   Also Betsy Norbury - Wife -
aged: 45 - born: Peover, Cheshire.   Plus 8 siblings, including Robert who
was also killed during WW1, and 1 domestic servant.

1911 Census - Dairy Farm, Mobberley.   Son - aged: 27 - occ: Assistant in
Jewellery Business - born: Mobberley.   Head of household - John Norbury -
Married - aged: 60 - occ: Farmer - born: Mobberley.   Also Betsy Norbury -
Wife - aged: 54 - born: Peover, Cheshire.   Plus 6 siblings, including
Robert who was also killed during WW1, and 1 groom domestic servant.

Employed by Mr. E.G. Parker, Altrincham & Knutsford.

Enlisted in the Cheshire Rgt. - No. 4185 and after a long period at
Daventry on Armoured work, he transferred to the King's Shrophire Light
Infantry.    Drafted to the front on the 13th March 1918, he was in charge
of a section of men told to man a particular post, when a shell burst a few
yards from him.     Killed at Souchey, France.

Commemorated on the private family gravestone in S.S. Wilfred & Mary Church
Yard, Mobberley.

M.I. "Tho it may be called an honour, for your Country's cause to fall; yet
it's hard to see the glory for the grief that fills us all". (Mobberley).

His father John, died 27/02/1919 aged 68 years and his mother Betsy died
08/03/1950 aged 94 years.

His brother - Robert Norbury was also killed on active service.

Altrincham Guardian - 4th March 1921 edition.  John and Betsy Norbury
unveiled the Mobberley War Memorial.  The memorial cross was unveiled on
27th February 1921 in remembrance of the thirty-nine men of Mobberley who
gave their lives in the great war of 1914-1918. Names of the men who
perished in the second world war 1939-1945 were added later.   It was
designed by Percy S. Worthington at a cost of an estimated £250 and
situated adjoining the churchyard wall on the bank opposite Mode Cottage.

Commemorated in The Mobberley Parish Council's Booklet - "1914-2014,
Remembering the Men from Mobberley who went to War for their Country" - per
Alistair MacLeod.

Memorials found on:
St. Wilfred's (Mobberley)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
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