
Arthur Johnson

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:04th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:Grenadier Guards
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:FranceGrave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Guards Cemetery, Lesboeufs, Somme
Town Memorial:Mobberley & Knutsford
Extra Information:
Born during the June quarter 1889 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref: 8a/192, the
eldest son of Samuel & Priscilla Johnson (nee Wardle).

1891 Census - Town Lane, Mobberley.   Son - aged: 2 - born: Mobberley.  
Head of household - Samuel Johnson - Married - aged: 48 - occ: Platelayer -
born: Mobberley.  Also - Priscilla Johnson - Wife - aged: 35 - born:
Macclesfield.   Plus 3 elder sisters. 

1901 Census - Town Lane, Mobberley.   Son - aged: 12 - occ: General
Labourer - born: Mobberley.   Head of household - Samuel Johnson - Married
- aged: 58 - occ: General Labourer - born: Mobberley.  Also - Priscilla
Johnson - Wife - aged: 45 - occ: Shopkeeper Grocer - born: Macclesfield.  
Plus 2 younger brothers.

1911 Census - Town Lane, Mobberley.   Son - aged: 22 - occ: Cowman on Farm
- born: Mobberley.   Head of household - Samuel Johnson - Married - aged:
68 - occ: Drainer on Estate - born: Mobberley.  Also - Priscilla Johnson -
Wife - aged: 56 - born: Macclesfield.   Plus 2 younger brothers.

Ray Westlake's "British Battalions on the Somme" states that they were part
of the 3rd Guards Brigade, Guards Division.  They arrived at Halloy on the
Somme battlefield on 30/07.  Moved to camps at Arquèves and Mailly-Maillet
before taking over the front line in the Beaumont Hamel Sector.  Moved to
Vauchelles-lès-Authie on 20.08, Gezaincourt 22/08, Vignacourt 24/08. 
Entrained for Méricourt 25/08 and from there to Corbie.  Moved to Carnoy
08/09 and worked on road running from the Village to Wedge Wood.  Later to
huts near Talus Boise.  Moved to line between Guillemont and Leuze Wood at
midnight on 09/09.  Took part in the failed attack on The Quadrilateral
12/09 then relieved and moved to Happy Valley.  Back to Carnoy on 14/09 and
from there to the Copse on the eastern side of Trones Wood.  Attacked
towards Lesboeufs 15/09 advanced on right over first objective and dug in
500 yards north of Ginchy and consolidated gains.  In support of an attack
on 16/09 and withdrew to Carnoy during the evening.  Moved into the front
line at Lesboeufs 20/09 and dug communication and assembly trenches for
forthcoming attack.  Relieved and moved to Bernafay Wood 22/09.  Moved
forwards on 24/09 and attacked at 12.35 hrs [Collectively known as the
Battle of Morval] during which attack around 150 Germans were killed, many
by bayonet, before clearing first objective.  Second objective taken before
they were relieved at 22.00 hrs.  Arthur was killed during this engagement,
one of 151 men from his Battalion killed that day.  The Battalion had lost
458 men from 18/09 to 25/09.

Commemorated in The Mobberley Parish Council's Booklet - "1914-2014,
Remembering the Men from Mobberley who went to War for their Country" - per
Alistair MacLeod.

Memorials found on:
St. Wilfred's (Mobberley)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
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