
William Morton Johnson

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:16th Bn ('C' Coy)
Name of Rgt or Ship:Manchester Rgt (1st Mcr Pals)
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:France
Cemetery or Memorial:Thiepval Memorial, Somme
Town Memorial:Dunham & Altrincham
Extra Information:
Born during the December quarter 1881 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref: 8a/170,
the son of William Henry & Agnes Morton Johnson B.Sc.

1891 Census - No Trace.

1901 Census - "Woodleigh", Bradgate Road, Dunham Massey, Altrincham.    Son
- aged:19 - occ: Undergraduate Trinity College - born: Bowdon.   Head of
household - William H. Johnson - Married - aged: 51 - occ: Managing
Director of Iron & Metal Electrical Company.   Also Agnes M. Johnson - Wife
- aged: 49 - born: Cheltenham, Gloucester, Gloucestershire.   Plus 3
sisters, 1 visitor and 8 domestic Servants.

1911 Census - No Trace.

His father died in 1914 and he was their eldest son.    [Woodleigh] is also
listed as being at Dunham Massey ???

Educated at Summerfields, Near Oxford and at Harrow & Trinity College,
Cambridge M.A. & F.R.G.S. where he distinquished himself in geographty and
history, being awarded the Bowen History Prize.    Succeeded his father as
Chairman & Managing Director of Messrs. Johnson, Clapham & Morris Ltd.,
Manchester - there was also a Branch of that Company at Sydney, Australia -
see his brother's details.

A sidesman at St. Margaret's Church and the Assistant Treasurer of St.
Margaret's Church Institute.

A report of him appears in the 25/09/1914 edition of the local newspaper.

Enlisted in August 1914 - originally in the 1st (City) Bn - Manchester Rgt,
then the 16th (Public Schools) Bn - Manchester Rgt.   Promoted to Captain
in March 1915

Shot in the head by a sniper and killed instantly, as he was leading a
counter attack at Montauban, France.

Commemorated on the private family gravestone in St. Mary's, Bowdon.  Grave
No. 1408.

His brother - Captain Ronald Linsay Johnson also died on active service.

A long letter in the local newspaper.

Listed in the Guardian Year Book - Roll of Honour for 1917.

Commemorated on the Athenaeum Club Memorial, now displayed at the Reform

Memorials found on:
St. Margaret's (Dunham Massey)
St. Mark's (Dunham Town)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
Manchester Athenaeum Club
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