
Edward Kinder Bradbury VC

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:L' Bty
Name of Rgt or Ship:Royal Field Artillery
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:FranceGrave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Nery Communal Cemetery
Town Memorial:Altrincham
Extra Information:
Reportedly born on the 16th August 1881 at Parkfield, Altrincham (???), the
only son of Judge James Kinder & Grace Bradbury (nee Dowling).    His
parents and elder sister were residing at Church Bank, Langham Road, Bowdon
in April 1881 - they were still there in 1891.    ALSO, his birth was
registered during the March quarter 1882 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref:

1891 Census - Church Bank, Rose Hill, Bowdon, Cheshire.    Son - aged: 9 -
Scholar - born: Bowdon.    Head of household - James R. Bradbury - Married
- aged: 43 - occ: Barrister at Law - born: Saddleworth, Yorkshire.    Also
- Grace Bradbury - Wife - aged: 33 - born: Timperley.   Plus 2 sisters and
3 domestic servants.

Attended Marlborough College, Bath Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire.

1901 Census - No Trace.  Presumably in South Africa, where he obtained his
commission during the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902.

His parents were residing at "Parkfield", Groby Place, Dunham Road,
Altrincham.    Head of household - James K. Bradbury - Married - aged: 53 -
occ: Judge of County Court- born: Saddleworth, Yorkshire.    Also - Grace
Bradbury - Wife - aged: 43 - born: Timperley.   Plus 2 sisters and 4
domestic servants.

1911 Census - No Trace.

His parents were residing at "Parkfield", Groby Place, Dunham Road,
Altrincham.    Head of household - James Kinder Bradbury - Married - aged:
63 - occ: Judge of Lancashire County Court - born: Liverpool, Lancashire.  
 Also - Grace Bradbury - Wife - aged: 54 - born: Timperley.   Plus 1 sister
and 4 domestic servants.

His father - Judge Bradbury served the Bury & Bolton Circuit.

From Wikipedia:- He attended the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, as a
cadet, passing out to join the Royal Artillery as a second lieutenant in
1900.  Promoted to full lieutenant in April 1901 and in January 1902 was
seconded for service with the Imperial Yeomanry in the Second Boer War,
serving as a lieutenant with the 31st Battalion.    He returned from the
secondment in November that year, and was posted to 127th Battery RFA.   
In early 1905 he was seconded to duties with the Foreign Office, during
which time he appears to have served with the King's African Rifles.   He
returned to a regimental post in 1907,  received his captaincy in 1910, and
became an adjutant in February 1912, returning to normal duties in
November.   Bradbury rode his horse "Sloppy Weather" in the 1909 Royal
Artillery Gold Cup, coming third; another of his horses, "Hot Water",
competed in the 1911 Punchestown Festival, again coming third.

See also:- http://www.chakoten.dk/nery_010914_2.html

The 24/11/1914 edition of the London Gazette reports that he has been
awarded the Victoria Cross for gallantry and ability in organising the
defence of 'L' Battery against heavy odds at Nery on 1st September 1914.   
Killed during the "Retreat from Mons".  

Another officer's account of what took place was "The Battery ('L' Bty) got
into their bivouacs at dark on the night of the 31st August, near to a
little village called Nery, which is 12 miles SW of Compiegne.   A squadron
of the Queen's Bays was also bivouaced in the same field.   Local newspaper
reports that this was the last day of the retreat towards Paris.

In the morning, while the men were having breakfast, before the river mists
had cleared away, they heard the sound of guns, close to.  Soon shells
began to fall amongst the teams harnessed up ready to march.   Within 2
minutes there was not a horse living and many men had been killed/wounded. 
   Captain Bradbury and Lieutenants John Campbell, Mundy & Giffard, each
tried to bring their guns into action against the 8 German guns firing at
them from about 500 yards away.    Captain Bradbury succeeded in getting
his gun into action and seeing that there was no chance of getting the
others going, he called detachments over to lend a hand on his gun.  
Lieutenant Giffard was injured in 4 places crossing over guns.  
Unfortunately they could not get the ammunition wagons alongside the gun,
so had to carry each shell up separately.

Captain Bradbury, early in the fighting had a leg taken off by a shell, but
insisted in directing the line of fire of the gun.    Lieutenant John
Davies Campbell (also buried at Nery) who had gallantly been bringing up
the shells was killed bringing up the very last shell from that wagon.   
Lieutenant Lionel Frank Hastings Mundy had part of his leg taken off by a
shell and had since died and was buried at the Baron Communal Cemetery,
Oise, France.   Others continued to bring up the ammunition another wagon,
then Captain Bradbury, who refused to give in, was struck by another shell.
  The gun did not cease fire until every shell in the second wagon had been
fired and, alone, it succeeded in knocking out 4 of the German guns. 
Eventually, 'I' Battery arrived and with the help of the machine gunners of
the Queen's Bays, silenced the other German Guns.  5 VCs, 2 - DCMs and a
French Order of Merit were won in that skirmish.

Listed as E. R. Bradbury on St. Margaret's Mem.

The 05/12/1916 edition of the local newspaper reports that his Mother had
been to Buckingham House to receive his Victoria Cross.   His medals are
now in the keeping of the Imperial War Museum.   They comprised:- Victoria
Cross - Queen's South Africa Medal ( 1899-1902 ) 2 clasps; 
"Cape Colony" - "South Africa 1901".   1914 Star - clasp "5th Aug-22nd Nov
1914" - British War Medal ( 1914-20 ) - Victory Medal ( 1914-19 ) + MiD

Listed in the Guardian Year book of 1915 and in the Guardian Year Book -
Roll of Honour for 1916.

Memorials found on:
St. George's (Altrincham)
St. Margaret's (Dunham Massey)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
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