
William Vernon Boydell

Rank:2nd Lieut
Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:08th Bn [1]
Name of Rgt or Ship:Lancashire Fusiliers
How Died:Died of Wounds
Country of burial:GallipoliGrave Photo:No
Cemetery or Memorial:Lancashire Landing Cemetery
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born during the September quarter 1888 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref:
8a/161, the son of Joshua Howarth & Emily Boydell (nee Moxon).

1891 Census - Queens Road, Hale.   Son - aged: 4 - born: Hale.  Head of
household - Joshua H. Boydell - Married - aged: 36 - occ: Tailor - born:
Lowton, Lancashire.   Also - Emily Boydell - Wife - aged: 32 - born: St.
Helens, Lancashire.  Plus 3 siblings and 2 domestic servants.

1901 Census - Mill Hill School, Hendon, Middlesex.  Boarder - aged: 12 -
born: Bowdon.

In 1901, his parents were residing at Dinglehurst, Hale, next to Bank Hall
Lane.  His father was a 46 year old Tailor Shop keeper, his mother was
aged: 42.

His mother - Emily Boydell died during the June quarter 1902 in the Bucklow
R.D. - ref: 8a/133 - aged: 43.

His father - Joshua H. Boydell married Louisa Charlotte Hayward during the
June quarter 1903 in the Fylde R.D. - ref: 8e/1388.

1911 Census - Dinglehurst, Hale.  Son - aged: 22 - occ: Tailor Merchant -
born: Hale.  Also listed are his two brothers, plus others.

In 1911, his father and step-mother were residing at "Delahays", South
Drive, St. Annes on Sea.   His father was a 55 year old Tailor Shop keeper,
his step-mother was aged: 37 and born at Bridgeford, Staffordshire.  They
employed 2 domestic servants.

Educated at Mill Hill  School.  Connected to H.M. Boydell Bros Co, Merchant
Tailors, 83 Market Street, Manchester.   He was engaged to be married.

Wounded 07/06/1915 and died the following day.  Listed as as Lieutenant on
the Christ Church Mem.

The 15/06/1915 edition of the local newspaper states that he lived with his
brother at "Dinglehurst", Timperley.

Listed in the Guardian Year Book - Roll of Honour for 1916, which states
that he was aged 25 and lived at "Dinglehurst", Timperley.

Memorials found on:
Christ Church (Timperley)
Hale United Reformed
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
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