
Geoffrey Edmund Elliott

Rank:2nd Lieut
Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:03rd Bn*
Name of Rgt or Ship:Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Rgt)
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:France
Cemetery or Memorial:Thiepval Memorial
Town Memorial:Hale
Extra Information:
Born June Qtr 1889 - Halifax R.D. - ref: 9a/469, the son of Richard Henry &
Emily Ann Elliott.

Baptised at St. Bartholomew P.C. Riponden and Rishworth on the 23rd April

His mother - Emily Ann was born in New Zealand in 1858.  In 1881 his father
was the headmaster at Rishworth Grammar School situated next to the Royal
Hotel, Rishworth.

1891 Census - Uplands Halll, Walker Lane, Broughton, Preston, Lancashire.  
Home of his maternal grandparents.   Grandson - aged: 2 - born: Rishworth. 
 His mother is with him - Emily Ann Elliott - Daughter - aged: 33 - born:
New Zealand.   His father is still Headmaster of Rishton Grammar School and
is residing there.

1901 Census - Rishton Grammar School.   Son - aged: 12 - born: Rishworth,
Yorkshire.   Head of household - Richard H. Elliott - Married - aged: 69 -
occ: School Headmaster M.A. - born: Sheffield.   His mother is not listed. 
 Plus 5 siblings.    His mother was residing with her parents at Uplands
Hall, Broughton. Preston, Lancashire.   Her father was a Scottish born
retired Banker.  Emily was born at Auklnad, New Zealand.   

1911 Census - 1 Ellachie Road, Anglesey, Alverstoke, Gosport, Hampshire.  
Boarder - Aged; 22 - occ: Assistant Master at Private School - born:
Rishworth, Yorkshire.  His father, now aged: 79 is still the headmaster of
Rishworth Grammar School.  His 58 year old mother - Emily Ann Ellliott is
with his father, together 4 of Geoffrey's siblings.

He was probably a teacher at Wadham House School? 

MIC - Confirms rank and regiment.  Drafted to France on the 13th July 1916.
 His father was R.H. Elliott, Prospect House, Broad Carr, Holywell Green,
West Halifax.

attd to the 02nd Bn. Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Rgt).

Memorials found on:
St. Peter's (Hale)
Wadham House School (Hale)
Altrincham & District Roll of Honour
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