
George Henry Thirlwall

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:06th Bn [1] ('B' Coy)
Name of Rgt or Ship:Manchester Rgt
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:FranceGrave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Belle-Vue British Cemetery, Briastre
Town Memorial:Stretford
Extra Information:
Born during the March quarter 1896 in the Chorlton R.D. - ref: 8c/941, the
son of George & Jessie Cavin Thirlwall (nee Johnson).

1901 Census - 37 Ann Street, Hulme, Manchester.    Son - aged: 5 - born:
Manchester.    Head of household - George Thirlwall - Married - aged: 32 -
occ: Bone Button Turner - born: Woolwich, Kent.   Also - Jessie Thirlwall -
Wife - aged: 33 - occ: Provisions Dealer - born: Manchester.    Plus 3

1911 Census - 50 Clifford Street, Old Trafford.   Son - aged: 15 - occ:
Assistant Grocer - born; Manchester.   Head of household - George Thirlwall
- Married - aged: 43 - occ: Button Turner - born: Woolwich, Kent.   Also -
Jessie Thirlwall - Wife - aged: 33 - occ: None - born: Manchester.    Plus
6 siblings.    George & Jessie produced 8 children, one of whom had died by

His Service number indicates that he joined up at the beginning of January

Married - Alice McCaslin during the December quarter 1918 - ref: 8c/1243.

On the 19th February 1918, the 6th Battalion transferred to the 126th
Brigade still with the the 42nd Division.   They were involved in the
Battle of Bapaume, the First Battle of Arras, the Battle of the Ancre, the
Battle of Albert, the Second Battle of Bapaume, the Battle of the Canal du
Nord and the Battle of the Selle.

From the http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/battles_selle.html website -
The battle of the Selle, that took place between the 17th & 25th October
1918, saw the British force the Germans out of a new defensive line along
the River Selle that they had been forced to take up being forced out of
the Hindenburg Line.

On the 17th October Rawlinson’s Fourth Army attacked on a ten mile front
south of Le Cateau. Their aim was to reach a line between Valenciennes and
the Sambre and Oise Canal. From there the key German railway centre at
Aulnoye would be within artillery range. The Fourth Army attack made slow
progress – after two days the right wing had made the biggest advance, a
move of five miles.

The attack was then widened. By the evening of the 19th October the First
Army (Horne) had fought its way into a position where it could take part in
an attack north of Le Cateau. Early on the morning of the 20th October the
First and Third Armies attacked north of Le Cateau. By the end of the day
they had advanced two miles.  

From John Hartley's Book - "6th Battalion Manchester Regiment in the Great
War"......."On the 42nd Division's front, the attack would e carriied out
in three phases.   The initial phase would be carried out by 126 Brigade
capturing the first two objectives known by the markings on the planning
map as the Blue Line - a railway cutting running south from Solesmes, and
the Green Line - high ground running parallel to the railway and a total of
1,500 yards from the starting point.   The 6th Battalion moved off from
their billets to the assembly positions in the late evening of the 19th
October.  It was raining hard and news soon arrived that the River Selle
was rising and there was a danger that the pontoon bridges would be washed
away.   A halt was called on the western bank around midnight and it was
possible to serve the men with a hot meal and tea.  The bridges had held
and the men crossed the river at about 04.00 hrs on the 20th and, although
there was heavy enemy shelling in the area, no casualties were incurred.  
The initial phase of the attack had started at 02.00 hrs and had been
successful with all the objectives being secured, so it was now possible
for the 6th Manchesters to follow the route taken by the 126th Brigade. 
This was uphill and, soaked to the skin from the rain and crossing the
river, the men found it heavy going, particularly climbing down and up the
railway cutting on the Blue Line.  They were in position at 06.50 hrs just
in time for their covering barrage due to open up at 07.30 hrs.  As soon as
they went over the top, the 5th & 6th Battalions came under a fierce
machine gun barrage from the German positions which were obviously strongly
held.   The 5th Battalion on the right, was particularly hard hit as the
Division on its right had to temporarily withdraw, leaving the flank of the
Wigan Battalion exposed.   The 6th Battalion was also soon suffering
casualties as the Germans were putting up a skilled defence".

Some 30 casualties were sustained in this Battle, one of who was George

CWGC - Son of George & Jessie Thirwall: husband of Alice Thirlwall of 25
Rutland Street, Hulme, Manchester.

M.I. - "He never failed to do his best.  May God grant him eternal rest".

Memorials found on:
St.Bride's (Old Trafford)
Stretford Borough Memorial Book
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