
Walter Clarke

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:15th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:Welsh Rgt
How Died:Died of Wounds
Country of burial:FranceGrave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Bagneux British Cemetery, Gézaincourt
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born during the September quarter 1899 in the Chorlton R.D. - ref: 8c/903,
the eldest child of Walter & Mary Ellen Clarke (nee Cumley).

1901 Census - 10 Bracmar Road, Chorlton, Manchester.   Son - aged: 1 -
born: Manchester.   Head of household - Walter Clarke - Married - aged: 29
- occ: Head Billiard Marker - born: Hulme, Manchester.   Also - Mary Ellen
Clarke - Wife - aged: 27 - born: Manchester.

1911 Census - 11 Norwood Terrace, Woodsend Road, Flixton.   Son - aged: 11
- Scholar - born: Hulme.    Head of household - Walter Clarke - Married -
aged: 39 - occ: Billiard Saloon Proprietor - born: Hulme, Manchester.  
Also - Mary Ellen Clarke - Wife - aged: 36 - born: Hulme.  Plus 2 younger

WO363 - He attested on the 22nd February 1917 and mobilised at Manchester
on the 19th July 1917.   Aged: 18 years 1 month.   5 feet 6 1/2 inches in
height, weighed 112 lb.   His chest measurements were 29 1/2 - 33 inches
and his physical appearance "Fair".   Occupation - Warehouseman.  Admitted
to hospital on the 2nd March 1918 suffering from I.C.T. to his heel
(Inflammatory Connective Tissue) - he was discharged on the 14th March
1918.   Mother's address in 1919 - Norwood Terrace, 92 Woodsend Road,
Flixton.   Brother - Kenneth Cumley Clarke (b.1910) - sister - Millicant
Cumley Ellen Cumley Clarke (b.1908).  John Jolley, Clerk in Holy Orders,
The Rectory, Flixton certified the family statement form.   Walter made his
Will on the 29th May 1918, leaving all his property and effects to his
mother - Mary E. Clarke.   

French M.I. - "Still to memory ever dear O'Lord".

Listed as "Scout" - 1st Flixton Troop, on the Urmston & Flixton Scout's War

Memorials found on:
St. Michael's (Flixton)
Flixton Wesleyan
Urmston & Flixton Scouts
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