
Charles Buchanan Dodds

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:05th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
How Died:Died of Wounds
Country of burial:FranceGrave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born during the September quarter 1892 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref:
8a/178, the son of James & Jessie Dodds

At the time of the 1891 Census, his parents were residing at Landsbrook
Villa, Brooklands Crescent, Sale.    James (father) Dodds - Married - aged:
36 - occ: Stationer Commercial Traveller - born: Scotland.   Also - Jessie
Dodds - Wife - aged: 34 - born: Scotland.

1901 Census - No Trace.    Presumably moved back to Scotland.

1911 Census - No Trace.    Presumably still in Scotland.  Charles enlisted
at Glasgow.

Killed during the Battle of the Somme 1916.   Arrived Longueau 09/07;
Poulainville 10/07; Corbie 11/07; Buire-sur-l'Ancre 12/07;
Bécordel-Bécourt 13/07; Mametz Wood 15/07; Front Line between
Bazentin-le-Petit and High Wood. Relieved and back to Mametz Wood 18/07;
Moved up Death Valley for attack on High Wood at mid-night 19/07; Rushed
High Wood at 03.35hrs - all opposition wiped out by 15.00 hrs.  Strong
German counter attacks - total of 407 casualties; over half missing, never
to be seen again.  Out of the 40 officers and 1,067 other ranks recorded on
14/07 only 199 of all ranks were left by 21/07.  High Wood was eventually
captured on 15/09/16.

Although born in Trafford, he was of Scottish descent and the family
returned to their roots in Glasgow

Commemorated on the Lansdowne Parish Church War Memorial, 416 Great Western
Road, Glasgow. G4 9HZ.  See website:-

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