
Gilbert Alexander Simcock

Rank:2nd Lieut
Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:14th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:Cheshire Rgt
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:Iraq
Cemetery or Memorial:Basra Memorial, Shatt-al-Arab
Town Memorial:Sale
Extra Information:
Member of St. Anne's Church.

B.Sc (Tech). Obtained his degree at Manchester University in 1914 and was a
member of their OTC for three years.      He held the Donegal Medal for
miniature rifle shooting

As he has been missing for a year, the 06/04/1917 edition of the local
newspaper reports that his wife and parents want information about him.    
He went missing at Sanna-I-Yat, near Kut.

Death reported in the 09/11/1917 edition of the Altrincham Guardian.

The 07/12/1917 edition of the local newspaper reports that his brother (2nd
son) has been severely wounded in his left arm and thigh.    His address is
also given as Holmhurst and he attended Manchester Grammar School.

Probate granted to his father Alexander Simcock, a Shipping Merchant's
Manager at Chester on 13/07/1916.   Also to Thomas Mulholland Patterson,
retired Police Officer - value of estate - £187. 16.  0d.

Alexander Simcock resided at No. 10 Sylvan Avenue (The Limes) ???

Memorials found on:
St. Anne's (Sale Moor)
Manchester University
Manchester Technical College
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