
Herbert Buckley

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:11th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:Cheshire Rgt
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:Belgium
Cemetery or Memorial:Tyne Cot Cemetery Memorial, Zonnebeke
Town Memorial:Sale
Extra Information:
Born during the March quarter 1892 in the Altrincham R.D. - ref: 8a/161,
the son of Charles & Martha Buckley (nee Bratt).

He attended Sale Central School.

1901 Census - 16 Chapel Road, Sale.      Son - aged: 10 - born: Sale.  
Head of household - Charles Buckley - Married - aged: 32 - occ: Builders
Labourer - born: Sale.    Also Martha - Wife - aged: 31 - born: Liverpool. 
 Plus 3 elder and 2 younger siblings.     I believe that Charles was born
in 1858 which would make him aged: 42 not 32.

1911 Census - 16 Chapel Road, Sale.      Son - aged: 19 - occ: Labourer -
born: Sale.   Head of household - Charles Buckley - Married - aged: 52 -
occ: Bricklayer's Labourer - born: Sale.   Also Martha Buckley - Wife -
aged: 52 - born: Liverpool.    Plus an elder brother and two younger
sisters.   Charles & Martha had been married for 33 years, producing 10
children, of whom 4 had died.   

A member of the Sale Wesley Men's Bible Class.    Commemorated on the Sale
Wesleyan Church Memorial (now lost)

Married Sarah Robinson at the Barnton Parish Church on the 6th March 1916
during the March quarter 1916 in the Northwich R.D. - ref: 8a/448.

WO363 - Attested into the 5th Bn Cheshire Rgt. No. 4400 on the 16th
February 1916, aged: 23 years 70 days.   Mobilized on the 13th March 1916. 
Drafted to France on the 14th July 1916 into the 1/8th Battalion.  
Transferred to the 11th Battalion on the 24th July 1916.     A Fishmonger
by trade - Height: 5 feet 8½ inches - Expanded chest: 36 inches with a 4
inch expansion.   He married Sarah Robinson on the 6th March 1916 at the
Barnton Parish Church (Christ Church ?).   16 Chapel Street was later
crossed out and 118 Welcome Street, Hulme, Manchester entered.   In turn,
that address was crossed out and 11 Oakwood Lane, Barnton, Northwich
entered.   And again that was superseded by "Westholme", Manchester Road,
Altrincham is also listed.   Finally 32 Lydyett Lane, Barnton, Northwich is

In Flanders, there was a German Gas Bombardment on Saturday 20th April 1918
- part of the final German offensive of the War.     Nine million rounds of
Mustard Gas, Phosgene and Diphenylchloraine were fired by the Germans.  
8,470 Allied servicemen were gassed and according to SDGW 51 men from the
11th Bn Cheshire Rgt died that day but, no doubt others subsequently died
from that gassing.

WO372 - Medal Index Cards - Victory & BWM only - no other information..

The 28/06/1918 edition of the local newspaper that reported he was missing,
stated that his wife lived at Bowdon.   His widow married Albert E.
Anderson during the December quarter 1919 in the Bucklow R.D. - ref: 8a/406
and they resided at 32 Lydyett Lane, Barnton, Northwich, Cheshire.  Her new
husband was also serving in the Army.

Pension Records - Confirms his military details and that he was posted as
Missing between the 10th and the 20th April 1918.   His widow's address of
32 Lydyett Lane, Barnton, Near Northwich has been crossed out and
superseded by 148 Cecil Street, Whitworth Park, Manchester.  His widow was
awarded a weekly pension of 13/9d, w.e.f. the 23rd December 1918.

He was an uncle of Cllr. Barry Brotherton's mother and a relative of Debbie
Eeles and Jill Bourne   Note from Barry Brotherton:- "My mother told me
that Herbert's mates came to see his parents after he was killed.  They
said that they were attacking an enemy stronghold but were driven back.  On
the retreat they saw that Herbert had been killed along with many others."

Memorials found on:
Sale Wesleyan
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