
William Alan Morley

Rank:2nd Eng
Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:Merchant Navy
Name of Rgt or Ship:S.S. Induna (Glasgow)
Country of burial:Lost at Sea
Cemetery or Memorial:Tower Hill Merchant Navy Memorial
Town Memorial:Sale
Extra Information:
The Induna was built in 1925, it's gross register tonnage was 5,086, it was
402 feet long, 52 feet wide and could make 10 knots.   A cargo ship, it was
one of 12 ships operated by the Maclay & McIntyre Ltd, 21 Bothwell St,
Glasgow G2.

In the Barents Sea, NE of Kola Inlet (north of Murmansk), travelling from
New York to Murmansk, via Reykjavic with a cargo of 2,700 tons of war
material and gasoline, she was torpedoed by U-376, whilst a straggler in
convoy PQ13, comprising 19 ships and sank in position - 70.55N 37.18E.  
There were 19 survivors, who were rescued by a Russian minesweeper and
landed at Murmansk, but 31 crew were lost.
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