War Dead
Altrincham WW1
Altrincham WW2
Altrincham Memorials
Sale WW1
Sale WW2
Sale Memorials
Stretford WW1
Stretford WW2
Stretford Memorials
Urmston WW1
Urmston WW2
Urmston Memorials
Miscellaneous Memorials
Urmston - Surnames starting with the letter G.
Green, Walter
Private Green, Alfred Burrell
Sergeant Green, Alfred
Other Information
Background Information
Date Qualification
Trafford's U.K. Burials Outside of Trafford
Geographical Qualification
All Urmston Surnames
WW1 & WW2
Abelson - Attenborough
Bagshaw - Byron
Caine - Cuthbert
Dacre - Dyson
Earl - Evans
Fairclough - Frost
Garde - Gwyther
Halliday - Hyman
Ibbotson - Isaacs
Jackson - Jones
Kay - Knowles
Lain - Lyons
Maben - Muspratt
Naylor - Nutter
O'Donald - Owen
Parker - Pye
Radnidge - Ryan
Sadler - Swindell
Tabbron - Tyldesley
Vallett - Vickers
Wade - Wynne
Yarnell - Youngerman