- Surnames starting with the letter E. 

Arnold Edwards

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:10th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:Durham Light Infantry
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:FranceGrave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Bayeux Cemetery
Town Memorial:Hale Barnes
Extra Information:
Born during the December quarter 1906 in the Bucklow R.D. - ref: 8a/163,
the son of Arnold & Mary Edwards.

1911 Census - 26 Coverdale Street, Ardwick, Manchester,    Son - aged: 4 -
born: Altrincham..   Head of household - Arnold Edwards - Married - aged:27
- occ: Journeyman Iron Prilliar - born: Shrewsbury, Shropshire.    Also
Mary Edwards - Wife - aged: 30 - born: Clay Cross, Derbyshire.    Plus 1
elder brother.

Attended Bowdon School.   

1921 Census - Hazlehurst Farm, Mobberley, Cheshire.   Servant - aged: 15 -
occ: Farm Hand to Percy Fairhurst, Hazlehurst Farm - born: Broadheath.

Later, employed by Cook & Co., Moss Lane, Altrincham.

Married Emily E. Cross during the September quarter 1933 in the Bucklow
R.D. - ref: 8a/551.  Their daughter - Kathleen M. Edwards was born in

1939 National Registration - No Trace probably serving as he appears to
have been a regular soldier.   His wife and daughter resided at 1 Tithebarn
Road, Hale.  Emily Edwards - Born on the 22nd December 1911 - Married -
occ: Unp[aid Domestic Duties.   Kathleen Edwards - Born on the 28th
February 1934 - At School.

A regular soldier since he 17 years old.    He had served in France,
Belgium, Norway, Iceland and Normandy.    For the last 4 years service, he
had been the Batman to the Colonel of the Regiment.

From the 10th Battalion War Diary 1944........

18th August 1944 - On the move again at 08.00 hrs, leaving by march route
and advanced as fas as MEZIDON, which had recently been cleared of the
enemy.   After a short rest we pushed on further Eastwards until we
suddenly bumped into opposition near the village of LE-MESNIL-MAUGER when
the enemy began mortaring the main road. . "A" Coy shortly supported by "B"
Coy advanced into the village and contacted the enemy, a battle developing
for the high ground, MT LA VIGME to the North East.   At 20.30 hrs "G" and
"D" Coys put in an attack supported by artillery and smoke and we gained a
foothold on the forward slopes finally securing the objective after heavy
fighting.   Throughout the action enemy mortar and shell fire was heavy and
concentrated and we suffered a good many casualties.    "B" Coy under Bn IC
were ordered on to MT LA VIGNE to help hold it.

19th August 1944.   In the early hours the enemy brought up reinforcements
and put in a string of counter-attack.   At 04.30 hrs. a fierce action took
place, with many casualties occurring on both sides.    Eventually the Bn 2
IC was forced to withdraw the remnants of "B", "C" and "D" Coys which he
did successfully against heavy odds.    Shelling and mortaring of Bn HQ
Area took place at intervals
throughout the night, In addition, enemy aircraft were active and dropped
bombs.    We suffered heavy casualties and at one time "A" Coy were
completely cut off and had to fight their way out.    At 10.00 hrs the Bn
withdrew to positions about a mile in the rear while units of 146 Bde moved
up to relieve 70 Bde.   Later in the day the Bn moved in transport to a
rest area near ARGENCES.

Death reported in the 08/09/1944 edition of the Sale & Stretford Guardian.

He had a brother serving in the RN and another brother in the Army.

CWGC - Husband of Emily Edwards, of Hale Barns, Altrincham, Cheshire.  
M.I. - "He gave his all, his unfinished life".

His widow married a Raymond Leggett in late 1945.

Memorials found on:
St. Peter's (Gorse Hill)
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