
Alfred (Fred) Chorlton

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:07th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:King's Shropshire Light Infantry
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:France
Cemetery or Memorial:Thiepval Memorial, Somme
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born during the September quarter 1890 in the Stockport R.D. - ref: 8a/99,
the only son of Alfred & Elizabeth Chorlton (nee Jones).

Something quite drastic appears to have happened to this family.  His
mother - Elizabeth Chorlton disappears from the records after 1891, but I
can find no trace of her death, UNLESS the ages given for her are
incorrect.   Two potential Elizabeth Chorlton's died in the Stockport R.D.,
one in 1897, aged: 38 and one in 1900, aged: 40.  The 1891 census states
that she was born in 1867, whereas, the two that died were born in

SDGW states that Alfred was born at Sale - another SDGW error.   His elder
sister was born at Sale, but not Alfred who was born at Cheadle, as was his
younger sister.

1891 Census - Poplar Bank, 348 Stockport Road, Cheadle.   Son - aged: 8
months - born: Cheadle Heath.  Head of household - Alfred Chorlton -
Married - aged: 26 - occ: Coachman - born: Cheadle.   Also - Elizabeth
Chorlton - Wife - aged: 24 - born: Moss Valley, Wales.  Plus his elder
sister - Bella Chorlton (Isabella) - aged: 1 - born: Sale.

1901 Census - 461 Bury New Road, Broughton, Salford.   Nephew - aged: 10 -
born: Sale (wrong - born at Cheadle).  Head of household - Ernest Dimcent
and his family, but he is not a relative.  I believe that the Dimcent
family were sub-letting their house to Alfred's aunt - Louisa Preston (nee
Chorlton) aged: 34 - born:Cheadle and her husband - George Edward Preston -
aged: 33.    

His father - Alfred, was residing at 11 Gatley Road, Cheadle with Alfred
Jnr's 67 year old grandmother - Sarah Chorlton.  Also residing at this
address was - his elder sister - Isabella Chorlton, aged: 11and born at
Sale (correct), together with his younger sister - Sarah A. Chorlton,
aged:9 and born at Cheadle (also correct).
1911 Census - 2 Daisy Bank, Bloomsbury Lane, Timperley.   Nephew - aged: 20
- occ: Warehouseman Cotton Goods - born: Sale.   Head of household - George
Preston - Married - aged: 43 - occ: Coachman Domestic - born: Hinstock,
Cheshire.  Also Louisa Preston - Wife - aged: 44 - born: Cheadle.  Plus
Alfred's elder sister - Isabella, aged: 21 and paternal grandmother.

His father was then residing as a Boarder at 31 Bank Street, Cheadle. 
Listed as being married (indicating that his wife was still alive then?),
aged: 48, occ: General Labourer - born: Cheadle.

Alfred Jnr was employed by Mr. C. Richardson, Confectioner, of Sale.  He
was a member of the Timperley Weslyan Church and a Member of the Altrincham
PSA and well known in bowling circles.

Married - Eva Mary Reynolds during the March quarter 1914 in the Buclow
R.D. - ref: 8a/337 and they resided at 10 Heys Drive, Timperley.   Mary was
born in 1895, the daughter of Nurseryman - Arthur James & Mary Ann
Reynolds.   Alfred & Eva had a daughter - Violet E. Reynolds born during
the September quarter 1914 in the Bucklow R.D. - ref: 8a/298.

Enlisted in March 1916 ad drafted to the front in June 1916.

MIC - BWM & Victory only - no other info.

Death reported in the 01/12/1916 edition of the Altrincham Guardian.  
Listed in the Guardian Year Book - Roll of Honour for 1918, which gives his
initial as "S".  Also listed as "S" Chorlton on the Christ Church Memorial,

John Hartley has kindly allowed me to reproduce Alfred's details from his
excellent - "Stockport 1914 - 1918" website, as follows:-

In the March quarter of 1914, Alfred married 19 year old Eva Reynolds in a
civil ceremony at Altrincham. Eva originated from Timperley and it's
thought they may have initially lived there. However around the time of his
death, Eva and their young child were living at Gatley Road, Cheadle.

Alfred enlisted in April 1916 in Altrincham. He went on active service,
probably joining the Battalion on 21 July, as part of a group of
replacements for those killed during an attack on July 14. His first
experience of major action will have been on 19 August when the Battalion
successfully captured a German trench with minimal casualties. The next
day, they were shelled by German artillery but there were no fatalities.

After this, the Battalion moved into reserve, for a period of rest and to
undertake training. Between 4th and 12th November, specific training was
carried out for its part in the forthcoming Battle of the Ancre. 7th KSLI
was to assault the village of Serre, one of a series of fortified
strongholds that had prevented the British advance on 1 July. Artillery had
been shelling the German positions since 11th November with the intention
of cutting the barbed wire.

Alfred was waiting for zero hour in the assembly trenches with his comrades
in the Battalion's grenade section. Conditions were appalling. The mud was
so deep that ration parties took four hours to cross 1000 yards.

The Regimental history describes the attack "Thick fog was spread on the
ground and at zero hour (5.45am), the morning was as black as the darkest
midnight. In the pitch darkness and through deep mud, it was difficult for
the best-trained soldiers to keep direction and the troops all along 3rd
Division front lost touch. The heavy state of the ground on the 8th Brigade
front made it impossible for the tanks to operate and they were withdrawn
from the attack. About 8am, as it began to get light, a thick fog made
conditions no better; and at eleven, when the fog began to clear, it was
found that all units had lost direction and were hopelessly mixed." Alfred
was one of 53 soldiers of 7th KSLI to be killed in the attack. George Hogg
was another. A further 150 were wounded.

Memorials found on:
Christ Church (Timperley)
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