
William Fielden

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:10th Bn [2]
Name of Rgt or Ship:Manchester Rgt
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:Belgium
Cemetery or Memorial:Tyne Cot Cemetery Memorial, Zonnebeke
Town Memorial:Sale
Extra Information:
Born during the September quarter 1896 in the Prestwich R.D. - ref: 8d/430,
the eldest son of George Henry & Eleanor Fielden (nee Livingstone).

1901 Census - No Trace.

1911 Census - 9 Ash Street, Hulme, Manchester.    Son - aged: 14 - occ:
Errand Boy - born: Manchester.   Head of household - George  Henry Fielden
- Married - aged: 41 - occ: General Labourer - born: Liverpool.    Also -
Eleanor Fielden - Wife - aged: 39 - born: Manchester.   Plus 3 younger

Originally No. 3797, Manchester Rgt.   Only the VM & the BM awarded.

Pension Record - Dependent originally listed as his mother - Mrs. Eleanor
Fielden, 9 Ash Street, Hulme.   This is crossed out and marked as Deceased.
  His father - George Fielden, 22 Agnes Street, Old Trafford (this should
read Ayres Road, Old Trafford) has been substituted.   His father was
granted a 11/- per week pension w.e.f. 14th March 1918.

Contrary to the above statement that his mother was deceased.    Both his
parents were still alive and residing at 22 Ayres Road, Stretford at the
time of the 1939 National Registration.   His mother is recorded as being

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