
Archie Percival (Percy) Millhouse

Name of Rgt or Ship:Royal Air Force
How Died:Accidental
Country of burial:U.K.Grave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Stretford Cemetery
Town Memorial:Stretford
Extra Information:
Born on the 25th July 1895, the birth being registered in  the Lincoln R.D.
- ref: 7a/532, the son of John & Mary Elizabeth Millhouse (nee Simons).

1901 Census - 28 Harcourt Street, Stretford.   Son - aged: 5 - born:
Lincoln.   Head of household - John Millhouse - Married - aged: 35 - occ:
Railway Engine Driver - born: Lincolnshire.  Also - Mary A. Millhouse -
Wife - aged:34 - born: Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire.   Plus 3 siblings and 1

1911 Census - 11 North Lonsdale Street, Gorse Hill, Stretford.   Son -
aged: 15 - occ: Wood Pattern Apprentice - born: Lincoln.  Head of household
- John Millhouse - Married - aged: 45 - occ: Railway Engine Driver on the
Great Northern Railway - born: Lincolnshire.  Also - Mary A. Millhouse -
Wife - aged:44 - born: Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire.   Plus 4 siblings.

Employed at Royce Co. Ltd, Trafford Park as an Apprentice to Pattern Making
from October 1909 until September 1914.  This would indicate that he
enlisted soon after the outbreak of war.

Originally served as a Sapper in the Royal Engineers No. 440203, later No.
T1279, then transferred to the R.A.F. in 1918.  His R.A.F. record card
commences on the 19th April 1918.   

Attached to 50 Cadet Wing transferring to 20 Cadet Wing on the 26th May
1918.   From there he was posted to 5 SOFA until the 8th June 1918 when he
was posted to the Armoury School.   On the 15th August 1918 he moved across
to RAF Cranwell and back again on the 29th August 1918.  On the 14th
September 1918, he was posted to RAF Horton Park, he died on the 29th.

Killed while Flying (crashed) at the Wooton Hall Aerodrome, Wooton.   
Buried 05/12/1918 - Burial No. 8,507. 

Listed on the Stretford Cenotaph as a Private in the Royal Engineers.

Listed as Percy Millhouse on Gorse Hill School, Gorse Hill Methodist Church
& St. Peter's Memorial.  Listed as A.P. Millhouse in the Manchester
Employees Roll of under Royce & Co. Ltd.
His father - John, died: 26th August 1940, aged: 75 years and his mother -
Mary E. died: 13th December 1947, aged: 80 years.

Memorials found on:
St. Peter's (Gorse Hill)
Gorse Hill School
Gorse Hill Methodist Church (Stretford)
Stretford Borough Memorial Book
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