
Robert Forrest

Rank:2nd Mate
Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:Merchant Navy
Name of Rgt or Ship:S.S. Pillar de Larrinaga (Liverpool)
How Died:Died at Sea
Country of burial:Lost at Sea
Cemetery or Memorial:Tower Hill Memorial
Town Memorial:Stretford
Extra Information:
Drowned as a result of an attack by 'UC.65' in St. George's Channel, 2
miles S.E. by S. from Tuskar Rock 52.10N - 0608W, on voyage from Manchester
to London with gen. cargo & wheat - 35 lost.

S.S. "Pillar de Larrinaga" - built 1902 - 4136 gr. tons.

Commemorated on the private family gravestone in Stretford Cem.

His father, Captain Martin died 16/11/1933 aged71 years and his mother,
Emily died 01/11/1941 aged 79 years.
Memorials found on:
St. John's (Old Trafford)
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