
Clifford Henshall

Rank:Eng. Officer
Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:Merchant Navy
Name of Rgt or Ship:M.V. Melbourne Star
How Died:Died at Sea
Country of burial:Lost at Sea
Cemetery or Memorial:Tower Hill Memorial
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
The "Melbourne Star" was built in 1936, it gross register tonnage was
12,086, it was 542ft long, 70ft wide and could make 16 knots.     It was
one of 38 ships operated by the Blue Star Line Ltd., 40 St. Mary Axe,
London EC3.   
A passenger/cargo ship it could accommodate 12 passengers.

South east of Bermuda, sailing independantly from the U.K. to Australia, on
the 02/04/43 it was torpedoed by U-129 and sunk in position 28 05N 57 30W.

There were 4 survivors, but 113 crew/passengers were lost.
Memorials found on:
St. George's (Carrington)
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