
Philip Charles Scarfe

Ship/Rgn/Sqn No:05th Bn
Name of Rgt or Ship:King's (Liverpool Rgt)
How Died:Killed in Action
Country of burial:FranceGrave Photo:Yes
Cemetery or Memorial:Bayeux Cemetery
Town Memorial:Not Listed
Extra Information:
Born on the 25th November 1913, the birth being registered during the March
quarter 1914 in the Henstead R.D. - ref: 4b /309, the son of Albert & Emma
Scarfe (nee Day), who in 1911 resided at Hill Cottages, Kirby Bedon,
Norwich, together with Philip's 1 year old eldest brother - Albert Harold
Scarfe.  His father was listed as a 27 year old Farm Labourer and his
mother was aged: 24.

1939 National Registration - 6 Wild Road, Angel, Norwich.    Albert Scarfe
- Married - born on the 3rd March 1884 - occ: Verger & Caretaker.  Emma
Scarfe - Married - born on the 11th February 1887 - occ: Unpaid Domestic
Duties.   Philip C. Scarfe - Single - born on the 25th November 1913 - occ:
Local Government Clerk.

Married Joan Ritchie during the September quarter 1941 in the Bucklow R.D.
- ref: 8a/881.

After special training at Ayrshire, the 5th Bn landed Sword Beach, as part
of the 3rd Division, with the objectives of maintaining beach organisation,
securing positions, and providing defence against counter-attack.   Under
fire, the beach groups collected the wounded and dead, located and marked
minefields, attempted to maintain organisation, and directed vehicles and
troops inland.  It was essential to the success of the landing to get
through the beach defences and exits and to get troops off and clear of the
beaches as soon as possible.  The main assault was on "Queen Beach" at La
Brèche which is where Lt. Scarfe's battalion landed.

Page 2814 of the 22nd June 1943 Supplement to the London Gazette confirms
Cadet - Lt. Scarfe's appointment to 2nd Lieutenant.

His son Philip was born a few months after his death.  Philip has been in
touch (2011) and informs me that his father was only temporarily living at
Sale and that his family home was, in fact, Norwich.

Mentioned in Despatches.

The 04/10/1946 edition of the local newspaper reports that his widow Joan
(previously the Art Mistress at Sale Girls Grammar School) and their (by
then) 2 year old son, unveiled a clock with brass memorial plaque in the
maternity ward of the Sale & Brooklands Memorial Hospital - now demolished.
 Whereabouts of clock & plaque are now unknown.

M.I. - "Beloved Philip to whose valiant and gentle life all beauty is

His widow married an Alan Beckett during the December quarter 1951 in the
North-east Cheshire R.D. - ref: 10a/708.
Memorials found on:
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